Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I already bought a tray of Snickerdoodles at Target and had a big bowl of pasta for dinner. Pants have been feeling tight this week.

Pigging Out

I don't know about you, but I'm making the most of my next 4 days and eating everything in sight! Look out I come!

And so it begins!

What else can we say, we're Americans and excess is in our DNA. We eat too much stuff sometimes but more than that we eat the wrong stuff. It kind of sucks that the stuff that taste the best is the worst for you. Anyway, we have decided to do something about it with some friendly, at least we hope friendly, competition. There, I've said it and we are proclaiming our plumpness and they say admitting it is the first step. Wish us luck as we begin the process of changing our lives!
